Our mission

Bring Heaven on Earth so that Jesus receives His full reward and all may receive the abundant life He paid for us to enjoy. Our father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:9-10.

At Vida we believe

In Word of Life we believe that God is a GOOD GOD, a God that loves us and receives us just as we are. We believe he is a MIRACLE-WORKING GOD who shows us his love through his infinite Grace and his new mercies every day. We believe Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead on the third day and that in Him and through Him we have eternal life. We believe that his sacrifice brings us abundant life in this earth and that his desire is for us to know him personally, deeply and face to face. Jesus can save us, heal us, give us joy, peace, love and prosperity in a way like we never imagined...try it for yourself!

We desire for you to know Jesus

Salvation is not about following a bunch of rules to try and keep God happy. The truth is that He loves you and wants you to experience joy, health, peace and prosperity in all aspects of your life. You can only do this by knowing Jesus as your Savior and friend. How can you be saved? It's a matter of simply believing.

The Bible tells us:

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) If you believe, then pray this prayer: “Dear Father God, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, come into my heart, come into my life, be my Lord and my Savior, in Jesus name, Amen. Jesus is Lord!”

Congratulations! You've made the best and most important decision of your life. You are now saved. You're forgiven and on your way to heaven. The next step is to grow in this new relationship you have with God. The best way to do this is reading your Bible every day so God can speak to you through it. The other way to grow is to get involved in a good church so that you have the support of other believers in God's family. We invite you to join the Facebook discipleship listed on the home page as M2819 so you can also start learning at your own pace and remember, God is in a GOOD MOOD WITH YOU!

Our vision

Be a house of Hope, a place where hope shines bright in the face of hopelessness. Romanos 4:18

Be a house where Healing and Miracles are something normal in which young and old operate.
 Matthew 10:8

Be a place where people's dignity is restored and their true identity is discovered and aligned to the original design of the Father.
Jeremiah 1:5

Be nations-minded, having the nations present in mind and heart, in prayer and action.
 Mattew 28:19

Be a safe place where people from all ages get saved, healed, delivered and equipped week after week.
 John 10:10

To grow as a church family, spiritually and in number..
 Genesis 1:28a

To be known as a church family who worships Jesus passionately from young to old. 
John 4:23, Psalm 22:3

To be known as a people who love well and honors all individuals. 
1 Corinthians 13:13

One Family, One Father, One Kingdom, One Eternal Citizenship, but 2 (or more) Languages all in ONE FAMILY.
 Matthew 28:19

Make people big. As spiritual mothers and fathers we want our ceiling to be your floor. To see you fulfill God's plan for your life. 
Jeremiah 29:11

To welcome all, being a multi-cultural family, regardless of language, race, social/economic level or past history. Spanish and English speaking alike.
Phillippians 2:10

Teach children and youth the Word of God, the principles of the Kingdom and His supernatural power.
 Proverbs 22:6, Matthew 19:14

Our values & beliefs

Jesus at the center

Vertical church, Vertical church, driven and fueled by His Presence through a culture of Passionate Worship. Praise and worship is the door to His Presence.(Psalm 100:4).

Relationship, not religion. The Bible is the Word of God and the Rock, the firm foundation upon which we build and learn everything.(2 Timothy 3:16).

Jesus is the only way to the Father and only He can give us Salvation.(John 14:6). 

Holy Spirit is who Jesus gave us to guide us, and our relationship with Him is crucial for our daily walk. (John 14:26).

Culture of Honor, not control nor judgments. (Romans 12:10).

God is Good- God is not mad with his children. (Romans 5:8-10).

Jesus paid for everything, we cannot earn forgiveness.(Hebrews 7:27).

His Grace is infinite. We don't deserve it and yet it's free. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

People are important- everyone has a destiny in Christ. (1 Peter 2:9).

Nothing is impossible with Jesus. (Mattew 19:26). 

We are God's Family and we're called to have rich, genuine relationships and friendships. (John 1:12-13, John 13:34).

We celebrate freedom and authenticity and understand that though we might not always agree 100% always, we are still family and can have a relationship and grow together!

About Our Pastors

Benjamin & Kara Diaz

Benjamín Díaz was born in Mexico City. At age 15 he started leading worship in his parents church, Lugar de Misericordia (Place of Mercy). When he was 18, he became a missionary and traveled through the United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Brazil, preaching, leading worship and directing massive crusades in stadiums, mission trips, outreaches in parks and on the streets and throughout small villages along the road. During this time he was working for CRM, a wonderful evangelistic ministry that served as a tremendous learning season in his life. At this time, he met Kara Edwards who later on became his wife.

At 21 he married Kara, his best friend. She was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ and had also been traveling as a missionary to different places in Mexico, Europe and Kenya, África, where we are currently building an orphanage (Heaven on Earth Homes). Benjamín moved to Phoenix in July 2005, just a few months before their wedding in November 2005 and continued leading worship in New Promise Church (Kara's parent's church) and other churches in the valley. Later on they moved to Mesa, AZ and Benjamin lead worship at LWBC for a few years before he started pastoring. In 2008 they started Vida Church, which started with 5 people and continues to grow in more ways than they ever thought.

Benjamín has lead worship for 20 years and taught the Word of God for 17 years. Kara published her first book in 2010, “Living The Abundant Life”; she obtained her Doctorate in Theology in 2014 and teaches the Word as well. Vida Church is a non-denominational church and is relationally affiliated with Bethel church in Redding, CA. Andrew Wommack is also a tremendous source of influence in our church and his teachings have impacted us greatly. Ben and Kara have 4 daughters and 1 son and are not expecting any more!

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